Aria, Common Lisp like scripting language


How all started

For a couple of years I've been using Lua with love2d for my various tests and demos.
After creating CLove I started to think more and more about scripting languages in general and why should I use a scripting language like Lua when, perhaps, I could create one all by myself.
Thanks to Isak I discovered Lisp and shaped my language in that manner.
For like 6 months I have documentated myself and tried various approaches to make a Lisp like language and after 13th attempts I managed to make Aria, stable and fast.

Future plans for Aria

My original plans for Aria were to be used for game dev, CLove, but since I don't have anymore much enthusiasm about game dev I won't focus too much on it.
My idea is to create a build system in Aria, mainly to see how many new functions Aria really needs and currently lacks, and after that integrate GTK+ and make Aria be used mainly for GUI development.

Where can you find it

You can find Aria here:
You can also take a look at the previous (very similar to Aria but slower) stable version of Aria: